My SmileGuide - Home

Every day, what you do protects or harms your smile

Poor oral health remains one of the most common chronic health concerns in the world. Poor oral health is linked to health problems such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and respiratory conditions.

Good oral health supports overall health, self-esteem, social, school and work success. Good oral health begins with awareness about how everyday habits and lifestyle choices can protect or harm your smile. Timely dental visits protect oral and overall health.

MySmileGuideU® partners with:
Schools, organizations, and health professionals

Use our secure, personalized
online tool to increase oral health awareness

MySmileGuideU® is easy to use!

Step 1: Login and create an oral health folder for every member of your family

Step 2: Receive a personalized health guide for every member of your family

  • MSGU helps every member get more value from their dental visits
  • Health folders can be accessed 24/7 from any secure internet connection